How to play Dota 2 for beginners

We’ve all been newbies. But Dota 2 doesn’t forgive beginners for mistakes. This game is the most ruthless beginner game we’ve ever played. It takes people hundreds of hours to become a not bad player and thousands of hours to become a good one. Difficult to master, Dota makes every victory a pleasant and memorable one.

We’ve gathered tips to help beginners learn how to play Dota 2.

Complete the tutorial

As a beginner, it’s important not to rush into the game. Start with the most basic tutorial, which will tell you how to move, attack, and buy items. After the tutorial, it makes sense to play with bots, or at least play with other players against bots for a week or two.

Do not recklessly rush into battle

A common mistake for beginners is to rush headlong into enemy heroes as soon as they get the opportunity. This will almost always end in your certain death. During the initial phase of the game, your job is to kill creeps, get gold and experience, or help your ally who is near you. You don’t attack enemy heroes, you’ll only make creeps attack you. The exception to this is when you are playing as a support hero.

Talk to your team

Dota 2 is a team game. Interaction between teammates plays a huge role, and it is simply impossible to win without communication. First of all, you need to learn how to coordinate the actions of your team.

Chat helps to work out a strategy, discuss common points and agree on actions.

Phrases or the Chat wheel (Y button by default) can help alert your allies if you have spotted enemy heroes, call for help, or suggested that you move back.

Pinging is done by left-clicking on the playing field or the mini-map with the Alt key pressed. Use them to attract the attention of allies to what is happening in the game. For example, you notice that the enemies are going to kill you. You need to ping yourself so that your comrades rush to your aid.

Get ready to lose

Dota 2 is a very challenging game. Tune in to the fact that you will be losing. The specialness and appeal of Dota are that the game depends on each player. Even one inexperienced ally or one wrong move can cost you the match. Don’t be upset by your losses, take them as a lesson, make conclusions and get better with every game you play.

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