Runes in Dota 2

Runes in Dota 2 are special elements in the game that you can get for your hero. They disappear when you activate them and give you a powerful effect for a certain amount of time. At the moment there are 6 types of runes in the game.

The first runes appear at the beginning of the battle, subsequent ones will appear every two minutes of game time.

Types of runes

Arcane Rune

Reduces the cooldown time of all spells by 30% and mana consumption by 40% for 50 seconds. Information about the reduction is shown in the ability descriptions. Affects both active and passive ability cooldowns, and does not decrease Tranquil Boots and Cloak and Dagger cooldowns.

Bounty Rune

Gives the hero extra reliable gold. Bounty Rune which appears at the beginning of the battle is twice as effective as subsequent ones. One Bounty Rune will always appear along with another, random rune.

Double Damage Rune

When activated, it gives the hero +100% of physical damage, for 45 seconds. The rune’s effect does not increase magic damage or Divine Rapier item damage.

Haste Rune

Increases the movement speed of the hero to 550 for 22 seconds. Heroes under the influence of this rune will ignore all slowdown effects.

Regeneration Rune

Increases health regeneration and mana regeneration by 6% per second for 30 seconds. If the hero takes damage or if health and mana are near their maximum, the effect is gone.

Invisibility Rune

Makes the hero invisible for 45 seconds. Invisibility is lost if the hero attacks or uses spells/items. When activated, the invisibility rune has a delay of two seconds before you become invisible. Thanks to this delay, you can still perform actions (attack, use items, magic, etc.).

Illusion Rune

When activated, it creates two illusions of the hero who set it off. The illusions last 75 seconds and then disappear. Illusions deal 35% damage. Melee illusions damage taken is 200%, and ranged illusions damage taken is 300%.

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